How Artificial Intelligence Will Change Your Business Forever

Some of the most well-respected minds in business and technology are predicting that artificial intelligence will make its presence known in a wide-sweeping amount of industries. As a business owner it’s important to keep an eye on recent developments and know where things are headed before they happen.

Possible Dangers and Benefits

There are basically two camps when it comes to artificial intelligence and what it will mean for the world. One camp says that it will be the end of humanity while the other says it will be the savior of humanity. To be a successful business owner it’s important to consider both sides.

For example, Elon Musk, the founder of Tesla Motors has often warned that AI could be what starts World War III, and thinks we should be very careful not to let it fall into the wrong hands. Other experts say it will create a utopia where humans are freed from toiling at work and can pursue artistic expression and follow their bliss.

While all of this is either scary or relieving to think about, the more practical discussion is how simpler forms of AI are currently changing the way we do business and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. From a business standpoint artificial intelligence could put you out of business if you don’t adapt quickly enough, so let’s look at how these changes are occurring and what can be done about it.

Low-Level Artificial Intelligence

We already live in a world full of basic artificial intelligence at work. Many of the most successful apps and websites are incorporating forms of artificial intelligence to make them function better. This is not the type of artificial intelligence displayed in sci-fi movies where computers have surpassed human intelligence, but rather a simpler form of artificial intelligence known as Artificial Narrow Intelligence.

This type of intelligence is able to processes millions of bytes of data in fractions of a second in order to make more helpful suggestions, or act as a personal assistant like the Google Assistant or Siri. It’s all around us, so much so that we don’t’ even notice it anymore.

Anticipating The Changes

You can always be thinking of ways that artificial intelligence could help your current business model to take things to the next level. Mundane tasks can be automated and could help your bottom line by cutting expenses and reducing the amount of people you need to hire.

Many billion-dollar companies will be formed over the next decade that utilize artificial intelligence as the backbone of the business model. You don’t need to be one of them in order to experience huge gains, just being ahead of the curve might be enough to propel things higher than ever before.

A Brave New World

There’s no need to fear artificial intelligence, unless you don’t know enough about it or how it might disrupt your current business model. To be brave and face the future head-on you’ll want to arm yourself with as much information as you need to get a handle on what’s to come and how you can benefit from it the most.

Take a look at how you’re currently conducting your business and try to picture how things will look ten years from now. Work backwards and you might find ways to incorporate the technologies of tomorrow today.