Regardless of your credit or status, finding the best current credit card offers has never been easier. Today, banks, and credit card companies have developed all types of credit cards to meet the needs of just about everyone. For instance, if you have existing cards with high interest, you might consider 0% balance transfer credit cards. If you were a student, then the lowest interest credit cards would help you on the way to establishing credit but without paying a fortune in interest.
Whether for personal or business use, the most convenient place to look for current credit card offers is through the internet. Using,,, or some other well known search engine, you would simply type in the type of credit cards you want to compare and in return, you would be provided with a wealth of information. Of course, if you preferred to save time and effort, you could use various sites that complete comparisons for you. That way, if you were searching for 0% balance transfer credit cards, instead of looking at one issuer’s website after another, you would have a list that provided general information for the top cards being offered.
Because this industry is so highly competitive, the current credit card offers are not only varied but also in abundance. Unfortunately, many people think because they have bad credit it automatically means having trouble getting a credit card or paying outrageous interest. While interest would be higher than what someone with excellent credit would pay but in truth, with a little research you could find the lowest interest credit cards specifically designed for people with poor to moderate credit.
To see the current credit card offers being made by banks, we recommend you compare different card types with Chase, Bank of America, US Bank, Wells Fargo Bank, Citi, and HSBC. Then, for 0% balance transfer credit cards, the lowest interest cards, and other types issued by actual credit card companies, you may want to start with issuers to include Capital One, Discover, Visa, MasterCard, etc.
The thing to remember is that even with new laws being enacted specific to credit cards and credit card debt, finding the best current credit card offers is still relatively easy. Just a few examples of what you would expect to find as you conduct research consider the following:
Low Interest Credit Cards
Typically, these credit cards are designed for people who expect to make installment payments on the balance owed rather than paying off the entire balance each billing cycle. In addition, the low interest credit cards are usually easier to secure for people who have good to excellent credit.
- Simmons Bank Platinum Visa – Regular Annual Percentage Rate is 7.25% variable
- PenFed Promise Visa Card – Regular Annual Percentage Rate is 7.49% for the first 36 months, which then increases to 9.99% variable
- Iberiabank Visa Classic – Regular Annual Percentage Rate is between 7.25% and 13.25% variable
0% Balance Transfer Credit Cards
The best and current credit card offers specific to balance transfers are setup so cardholders can move balances from high interest credit cards to one with a much lower interest rate, which saves a tremendous amount of money. The key here is to choose cards that have a long introductory period (12 months minimum is preferred) and cards that are still considered among the lowest interest rate credit cards after the introductory period ends. A few examples of cards currently available include:
- Citi Platinum Select MasterCard – This credit card has a 12-month 0% Annual Percentage Rate for all purchases, a 24-month 0% interest rate plus 3% fee for balance transfers, no annual fee, and interest after the end of the introductory period of 11.99% to 19.99%.
- Discover More Card – Comes with a $100 cash back bonus, has a 6-month 0% introductory period for the Annual Percentage Rate, 12-month 0% interest rate for balance transfers, 3% fee, and then variable interest once the introductory period ends of 11.99% to 20.99%.