Auxmoney, a German peer to peer lending website, is now allowing borrowers to offer their vehicles as a form of collateral for their peer to peer loans.
Users on the website pay a EUR 9.95 fee to document the collateral in the loan listing. As part of the listing, information about the vehicle, such as mileage, condition, model, year and pictures of the vehicle are displayed in the listing. Typically an estimated value of the car serving as collateral will be included as well. Under the service, the car put up can cover any percentage of the loan amount.
If the loan is funded on the website, the contract between Auxmoney and the borrower allows the borrower to continue to drive the car, but must deposit the certificate of ownership with Auxmoney until the loan is repaid. If the borrower misses a loan payment, Auxmoney has the right to sell the car.
Both companies have adjusted their lending models to reduce potential defaults by ensuring that only credit-worthy borrowers can take out loans from their services, but adding some form collateral would be an additional way to reduce the risk to investors, allowing a borrower to get a better interest rate. Creating collateralized peer to peer loans in the United States would certainly add a lot of paperwork for Prosper or Lending Club, and would likely necessitate an increase in fees for managing the loans that are originated.
Offering a car as collateral doesn’t provide 100% security on the loan, but many lenders will likely see borrowers that are offering their vehicle as collateral as lower risk. Auxmoney has a stats page which will track the performance of these loans.
(Special Thanks to WiseClerk for the heads up)