Morning star senior analyst Jim Ryan believes that Citigroup’s plan to spin-off insurer Primerica in an IPO set for the week of March 29th will not be successful because of concerns about the company’s business model and believes that it operates in an industry with overall poor fundamentals.
Primerica plans to offer 18 million shares with an offer of $12.00 to $14.00 per share, totaling around $234 million.
Mr. Ryan said in a research note that, “Primerica is a multitier marketing organization that sells term life insurance and other financial products to middle-income consumers. The firm also sells mutual funds, variable annuities, segregated funds, and other financial products. Primerica boasts that it markets its products through 125,000 independent contractors who manage their own businesses and pay the administrative overhead. Primerica is structured so that any new sales representative shares commissions with the person who recruited him or her. Further, the new recruit is encouraged to recruit new sales representatives, which it is hoped will generate commissions to be shared up the chain of command.”
“Primerica’s marketing structure is not our only concern. We believe most life insurance companies do not have an economic moat because of poor industry fundamentals. Term insurance is price-sensitive and available from multiple sources, including the Internet. What’s more, most life insurers bear credit market risks that can severely affect shareholders’ equity, as was demonstrated over the past year. Because of a lack of underwriting profitability, life insurers have a tendency to stretch for investment income, leading to risk-assumptive investments.”
“As part of the offering, Primerica will enter into co-insurance agreements with Citicorp, which will cede the risks and rewards of the majority of existing term life insurance policies as of the end of 2009. After the spin-off, Primerica intends to retain the premium and policy liability on all new business written.”
“All things considered, we’d recommend avoiding this IPO.