American Banking & Market News is always looking for new high-quality contributors. If you have a passion for writing and finance and would like to submit an article for consideration to American Banking & Market News, you can do so by following the guidelines and process outlined below.
Why Contribute to American Banking & Market News
- Your content will be published on American Banking & Market News, listed on the homepage.
- American Banking & Market News receives more than 150,000 unique visitors each month.
- You will be able to include a by-line with hyperlinks back to your website at the top of your article.
- If you would like to track your page views, we are more than happy to include analytics code from Google AdSense, StatCounter, SiteMeter or another provider.
- If you regularly submit high-quality articles, we would be happy to consider you for a paid position writing on American Banking & Market News.
Content Submission Guidelines
- You may write about any topic relating to markets, banking, finance or business.
- Your contribution should be at least 400 words in length.
- If you choose to write about a particular stock or investment, you must include a disclosure statement as to whether you do or do not have a position in said investment.
- Contributions must be uniquely written for American Banking & Market News. Contributions already submitted to other websites are not acceptable.
- Please note that we only accept high-quality submissions. If you are article is lacking in content or has grammatical or spelling errors, we will be unable to publish it.
- You may include up to two “do follow” hyper-links in your by-line. Please note that all hyperlinks inside of your article will be given a “no follow” tag.
- The selection of articles that are published is highly discretionary and may be impacted by a number of factors, including timeliness, quality, length and originality.
- Please note that because of the number of contributions American Banking & Market News receives we are regrettably unable to provide detailed explanations of why we chose to publish or chose not to publish an article.
How to Contribute
You may send your contribution in an email (preferably as an attachment in a Word document) to [email protected]. A more formal submission process is in development.